Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Training Log [Week of Jan 10]

Second training log of the year. I hope to be able to publish this every week even though it might be giving my chief rival inside information.

Nutrition (Grade C)

This new weight control plan in LoseIt is starting to take hold. My weight seems to be in a holding pattern until my body gets convinced that I will continue to give it the proper nutrition it needs for this level of training.  I was under my calorie budget on budget on 4 of 7 days. One of them was my wife's office Christmas party so I'll cut myself some slack there as I had zero control over menu (and zero self control as I'm a sucker for prime rib!). I also completely failed to log anything on Saturday. For the week the nutrient mix of fat/carbs/protein was also not where I'd like it to be. 30/48/22 % respectfully. Thinking I want the protein/fat numbers switched.

Sleep (Grade B)

Looking over my sleep journal in Sleep Cycle, I did much better this week. I would have scored this an A but Saturday I did something really stupid. I was working on the computer cleaning up our digital photo library, next thing I know its 2am! Not the best of ideas when your long run is the following day. Need to prevent that from happening again.

Workouts (Grade A)

Yes I did skip my steady/recovery run on Friday. But that was in the best interests of making sure I could complete my long run (See Body/Health notes on why I skipped it). Other than that one run, I got in all of my scheduled workouts. Need to start thinking about getting some bike miles in, but I have a plan to fix that.

Body/Health (Grade B)

Looking at my health information in iHealthTrax, it looks like on Wednesday/Thursday my lingering cold had finally cleared. However, on Friday my lower body was extremely sore from the tempo run on Thursday and the heavy lower body weight lifting from Monday. Looking at my awakening heart beat log in HeartBeats , you can see a gradual rise over the week indicating higher fatigue through out the week.