Saturday, November 29, 2008

Your Top Adventure After Winning the Lottery

YS_71506_097.jpg Scrolling through the list of upcoming shows on the Travel Channel with my TiVo, I see one called "Top Ten Places to Endure Mother Nature". I always get a good chuckle out of Travel Channels Top Ten Lists as usually they are just rehashed footage of places they have done a feature on. This one was no different. I mean seriously... Is San Francisco really the #3 place to survive Mother Nature?

The show did get me to thinking, if I won the lottery what would be the number one adventurous challenge I'd give myself to conquer? As demented as this will sound, ever since reading "Into Thin Air", I've thought it would be cool to summit Everest. Most people would say your nuts as there are a significant numbers of people that don't even survive the challenge. Seriously, they die trying. Now, I'm still relatively young and in good health and lets face it, I can be a bit of thrill junkie. With significant training , a good outfitter, and exceptional Sherpas maybe it could be done....

... okay coming back from that little fantasy to something a little more realistic. I've also wanted to do I high altitude Elk hunt in Wyoming or Colorado. I'm talking about the kind of hunt where you have to pack in by horse and sleep in wall tents kind of hunt. Where you brush your teeth by moonlight every evening because there is no electricity. For that matter there isn't a WiFi or Cellphone signal either. Where you walk from ridge to ridge, day after day in search of that 700 pound bugling beast. Yes, I think this would be the number one adventure I'd pursue after winning the lottery. What would yours be?

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