Friday, November 21, 2008

Now I feel guilty...

Today I wasn't feeling real inspired to get my butt in the gym. I stayed up late working. So I admit it, I slacked off hoping that OhCaptain was feeling the same way. As our usual 11am gym departure time approached; the dreaded "Gym?" instant message didn't seem to be coming.... theeeen.... oh crap... noooo... wait... false alarm, OhCaptain wanted me to review the code he had finished rewriting. SWEET! So yeah, I skipped my workout....
You know your a regular at the gym , when one of the "Big Guys" -- you know the type, muscles buldging from everywhere, a neck the size of your waist, and in the gym before you get there and after you leave -- yells from across the cafeteria "HEY! Where were you guys today? How you gonna get big?!?".
Yup, now I feel guilty and strangely... kinda proud. By him acknowledging that we were not there means I've been doing something right thing. It means while in the gym - someone else has seen the hard work I've done and even cooler, knows what I'm trying to accomplish. And that feels pretty damn good.

1 comment:

OhCaptain said...

We should be hitting the Wii Fit extra hard tonight :-)